An Ordinary Girl Read online

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  Chapter Eighteen

  As Ash slept beside him, Noah lay thinking. He’d told someone, and the world hadn’t ceased turning. Ash felt pity for him, but not pitied him, and there was a difference. One question had made his stomach churn. Would he feel any differently if it had been Tommy who’d survived?

  The truth was it would have been easier for Noah if Tommy had survived because then he wouldn’t have to think about Dave remembering Noah hadn’t picked him. To know there was a guy out there condemned to death by Noah for the flimsiest of logic was one reason why his life had gone to hell. What did Dave think about him? Did he hate him?

  Noah had tried to leave it to chance. He’d held a piece of straw in each hand and asked the guys to call out which hand had the shortest, but they wouldn’t. They kept telling him it didn’t matter who he chose, but Noah couldn’t accept that. He obsessed over what to do until his head felt ready to explode, and he’d blurted Dave’s name when he should have kept quiet. How could he have even thought they’d let any of them survive?

  He’d been sitting in his car when he’d opened that fucking letter about a medal. Noah had opened the door, thrown up and stuffed the letter out of sight in the glove box. A medal? He’d acted out of guilt and fury not bravery.

  He eased away from Ash and crept to the bathroom. Noah recoiled when he looked in the mirror—dark shadows under his eyes, pale cheeks and his hair sticking up all over the place. He was surprised his head didn’t pound. He stood under the shower, twisted the lever to the right and hoped cold water would turn him back into a human. He gasped at the first icy blast, but at least it reminded him he was alive. Noah rested his palms on the tiles and arched back to let the water play on his face. He was going to wreck this weekend if he didn’t get his head in gear.

  Noah startled when Ash pressed up against his back, and wondered why she didn’t yelp at the temperature. He scented coconut, and then her hands rubbed shampoo into his hair, her fingers pressing into his scalp. Noah adjusted the temperature to tropical and heard her sigh. She massaged his shoulders, sliding soapy hands down his back onto his hips and then over his backside. One finger trailed up and down the crease of his butt cheeks and a moan slipped from his lips. She knelt behind him, hands rubbing gel around his thighs, down his legs, around his ankles. His cock perked up and his balls decided it was safe to come out and play.

  “Wash my hair?” she asked.

  Noah grabbed the little bottle of shampoo and as he turned, she took his cock in her mouth. Oh God. She’d tricked him. While he could still think Noah tipped gel onto his palm. Ash flicked her tongue down his cock and nibbled at the base before wrapping her mouth around his balls. He threaded his fingers in Ash’s soapy hair and rubbed while she played with him, pulling the delicate skin of his sac tight with her lips and then letting it wrinkle in her mouth. Grunts spilled from him as she licked behind his balls, her tongue pressing and teasing the sensitive triangle of flesh.

  His hips shifted restlessly. Excitement zipped along his veins as his body responded to her touch. Eyes closed, he leaned back so the water missed his head, hit his chest and poured down his body. He had one hand in Ash’s hair and the other cupped her cheek, stroking the curved bone with his thumb. She licked, sucked and kissed his cock until Noah could barely breathe. When he felt her finger press against his asshole, he stopped trying to breathe.

  Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.

  The finger slipped in, sucked in by his body, and as Ash pumped his cock into her mouth, she fucked him in the ass with her finger. His brain fogged. Bad, bad—good, good, good. She curled her finger, circled over his prostate, and Noah cried out, the noise echoing around the bathroom. He forced his eyes open to look down at her, and when he saw her face, the starlike drops of water on her lashes, her lips around his cock, he spurted into her mouth. The long, wrenching spasms racked his body as if he were doing more than emptying his seed into her, but his soul.

  Noah didn’t let Ash leave the bathroom until he’d made her come twice. He’d been aiming for three, but she tricked him and escaped.

  “I’m starving,” Ash told him as she grabbed clothes and dressed, hopping around the room to keep out of his reach. “All I’ve eaten since you fed me those croissants are two cookies and two chocolates I peeled off your face.”

  Noah laughed. “I take it I passed out on them. Right. First we’ll eat and then you can come with me to the Four Seasons. The chances of Sandra McKinnock wanting to be photographed at ten in the morning are zero. The chances of her even doing the interview today aren’t high. I’m not going to waste my time sitting in a hotel lobby.”

  He gave up trying to snag Ash and put his clothes on. She wore a white, cotton dress covered in blue flowers with cross-over straps at the back, and blue sandals. A pale pink cardigan hung over her shoulders together with a small pink purse.

  Noah slipped on his jacket. “You look lovely.” He took her hand and pulled her into his arms. “More than lovely. Beautiful.”

  Ash smiled and Noah felt as if he’d stepped into sunshine.

  * * * * *

  Dark clouds rolled in when Valentina joined them for breakfast. She signaled the waitress to lay another place and Noah suspected she’d lain in wait until they came down. He was a little surprised Ash hadn’t quizzed him about her, but then they’d had other things on their minds.

  When Ash came back from the buffet carrying a plate piled with pastries, Valentina verged on hyperventilation.

  “Are you going to eat all those?” she asked in astonishment.

  “Yes.” Ash smiled, picked up a pain au chocolat and bit into it, licking the flakes off her lips.

  “Good?” Noah asked, staring at her mouth.


  He glanced at the green apple and single, dry, crisp bread on Valentina’s plate and smiled. Why did women think being bony was attractive?

  “Are there any shots in particular the editor wants me to take?” he asked.

  “Just the usual.”

  “Such as?”

  “You’re the photographer.” Valentina cut her apple into tiny pieces.

  “Maybe you could get her to wrap the baby in a blanket and dangle it out of the window,” Ash said. “Even better if there are screaming fans below.”

  Noah coughed into his orange juice. Valentina tried to kill her with a look and failed.

  “Personally, I’d like to see some honest photographs,” Ash said. “Sandra throwing up when she has to change the baby’s diaper, baby throwing up on Sandra’s new dress. Oooh, you might even get a shot of projectile vomiting.”

  Valentina heaved and Ash laughed.

  I love her.

  Noah’s hand shook and he spilt his juice as he put the glass down. Oh God.

  * * * * *

  Valentina complained all the way to the George V. “Why do we have to walk? The magazine would pay for a cab. My shoes aren’t meant for this. They’re Jimmy Choos.”

  Noah rolled his eyes. “It’s a few hundred yards. I think Jimmy Choos can get you that far. I need the fresh air.” He didn’t add Think of the calories you’ll burn because he suspected Valentina had an eating disorder.

  He tried not to think about the L word that had slipped into his head, but every time he looked at Ash, his heart swelled. She seemed entranced by everything they passed. Her gaze flicked from one side of the road to the other and over the façades of the buildings. He wanted to know what she was thinking, but he could hardly hear himself think with Valentina ranting in his ear.

  The 1920s art deco, white-stone hotel appeared unprepossessing from the exterior, but once they walked through the large glass doors, it was easy to see why the place had such a good reputation. A magnificent tapestry hung behind the desk of the sweeping two-story reception. Scattered throughout were elegant pieces of sculpture and elaborate flower arrangements. It had been his mother’s favorite hotel in Paris, and Noah felt a pang of regret for happy times lost.

  Valentina s
trode past the doormen to the reception. “Valentina Kandinskaya and Noah Golitsin of Hello magazine to see Sandra McKinnock. She’s expecting us.”

  “Good morning, mesdames, monsieur, if you’d like to take a seat.”

  Noah hoped they were comfortable. They were likely to be using them for a long time.

  Sandra McKinnock’s PA came down promptly with the news that Sandra was still eating breakfast. By the time the PA appeared for the third time, Noah had lost his patience.

  “I’m very sorry. She’s feeding the baby.”

  “Tell her thirty minutes and then I’m leaving,” Noah said to the harassed-looking woman.

  Her shoulders slumped as she walked back to the elevator.

  Valentina tsked. “We can’t leave.”

  “You know as well as I do that she probably won’t even see us today. It’ll be one excuse after another. The baby’s asleep. The baby needs feeding. Sandra’s asleep. Sandra’s on the phone. Sandra’s got a headache. Sandra’s been abducted by aliens. Keep waiting.” He sighed. “I’ve better things to do.” He glanced at Ash, who was wandering around the lobby inspecting the flowers.

  Valentina sidled closer on the couch. “Has your father met Ash?”

  Noah felt a twist of discomfort knot his guts. “Not yet. But how can he fail to like her?” He stared straight at Valentina until she dropped her gaze. When he turned to look for Ash, she was on her way back.

  There were mere inches between him and Valentina, but Ash sat there anyway. She ended up on Noah’s knee and Valentina grumbled under her breath as she moved out of the way. Noah smiled as he slid his arm around Ash’s waist.

  “This is so beautiful,” Ash said. “I bet the rooms are lovely.”

  “You couldn’t afford to stay here,” Valentina snapped.

  Noah tensed, but Ash put her hand on his arm. “How do you know?” she asked.

  Valentina sneered. “You’re wearing a dress from a high street store, probably last season’s, and sandals that couldn’t have cost more than twenty pounds.”

  “Twelve pounds actually,” Ash said. “They were on sale. But take a look where I’m sitting.”

  Valentina huffed.

  Oh God, I do love her. She’s fucking fearless.

  When the PA appeared again to tell them the star couldn’t see them this morning and to come back at four, Noah stood. “No. I’ll be here tomorrow at ten.” He grabbed his bag and Ash’s hand and walked out, leaving Valentina spluttering behind them.

  “Are you going to get in trouble?” Ash asked.

  “I couldn’t give a shit. I’m not wasting you and Paris on some arrogant celebrity.”

  “Where are you going?” Valentina tottered after them.

  “Run,” Noah said. “She’ll never catch us in those shoes.”

  * * * * *

  Within a few hundred yards, Noah began to wonder if they’d ever get anywhere. They kissed on every corner, cuddled in each little park and wrapped themselves around each other as they waited to get over the road. If they missed the lights telling them to cross, they kissed while they waited for them to change again. He tried to think when he’d been this happy, and he couldn’t remember. He’d forgotten how to have fun, and Ash had reminded him.

  “Oh, the Champs Elysees,” Ash said. “Let’s get to the middle.” She tugged him over the crossing and stopped in the central island. “The Arc de Triomphe. God, it’s huge. Wow, look at the trees. This is fantastic.”

  “The French call this the most beautiful avenue in the world.” Noah couldn’t tear his gaze away from her. “I love you.”

  The words had just slipped out, but he meant it. He didn’t know what he expected Ash to do or say. So long as she didn’t run, he could cope. Noah didn’t want her to parrot it back to him, though maybe he did. She stared at him with her huge eyes and then wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. In the middle of one of the most famous streets in the world, with pedestrians passing, cars roaring either side tooting their horns, Noah kissed her back as if they were on their own—in bed. He very deliberately tasted every inch of her mouth. Their kisses grew increasingly undignified as lust overwhelmed their common sense.

  When they broke apart, Noah looked at her as if he couldn’t quite believe the way he felt. He put his arms around her and held her close.

  “Don’t move for a minute. I’ve got a cock that’s an idiot.”

  Ash quirked her mouth in a smile. “You kiss better than anyone I’ve ever met.”

  “Thank you,” he mumbled.

  “It’s like you’re pouring liquid electricity into my veins.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Every time you even look at me, I ache,” she whispered.

  “Shut up,” he hissed.

  Ash grinned and squirmed against him. “One touch and my panties are damp. You need to be locked up.”

  Noah sighed. “That’s great. Now you can’t move for another ten minutes.”

  She laughed. “Café across the road. Let’s have a drink.”

  Noah didn’t miss the smug grin on the waiter’s face when they sat at a pavement table. But he didn’t care if their sloppy romantic behavior made people laugh. He wanted everyone to know how he felt about her. For one totally insane moment, he wished he’d had a ring to give her. Except she didn’t like rings. And it was insane. They’d only known each other a few days, but Noah was sure he wanted her in his life.

  * * * * *

  He took her on a tour of the city on the upper deck of an open-top bus. They missed a lot because they were too busy kissing and feeling each other up on the backseat like horny teenagers. Noah managed to get his fingers in her panties, hidden by his jacket and swallowed her moan as she came.

  “We’re going to get arrested,” Ash whispered.

  “I don’t care.”

  He didn’t. He only cared about Ash. Noah saw the city afresh through her eyes. He took pictures of things she pointed at, took pictures of her pointing at them. Ash had given up asking him not to, but she kept sticking out her tongue or putting a crazy expression on her face when he turned the lens in her direction. She was like a will-o’-the-wisp, and all Noah had to do was be patient and catch her when she didn’t expect it. He loved her and that was all that mattered.

  Ash felt as though she’d been caught up in an alternate reality. She was in Paris with a gorgeous guy who’d told her he loved her, and when the moment was right, she’d tell him that she loved him too. Ash stamped on the nagging voice in her head telling her this wouldn’t last. She wanted to be happy. She wanted it to last. When she got ’round to telling Noah hersecrets, he’d understand. Please.

  Late afternoon, they found themselves outside a big department store and Noah stopped. Ash suspected he’d led her here deliberately.

  “I’d like you to come to my father’s party next Saturday.” Noah brushed her lower lip with his thumb. “I want to buy you something to wear.”

  A flurry of emotions skittered through Ash, excitement and pleasure running alongside worry and dread. Noah had no idea she’d already been marked down as “unsuitable” by his brother and presumably his father, but she wanted to go to the party, wanted for once in her life to wear a fantastic dress.

  “Valentina plans to wear a huge pink ball gown,” Ash said.

  “When did she say that?”

  “Last night. I think you’d dropped off the planet by that point.”

  Noah squeezed her fingers. “Then let’s find a huge ball gown for you.”

  He slouched in a leather chair while Ash tried on dresses with the help of an assistant who spoke not a word of English. Ash came out of the changing room to pirouette in front of him. The prices were ridiculous, but she wanted to treat herself. No way was she letting Noah pay.

  “You sure Valentina said she was wearing something like that?” he asked when Ash appeared in a blue dress that took up the entire room.

  “This is too big,” Ash said. “What happens if I need
the bathroom?”

  “You could carry a portaloo around with you under that.”

  Ash screwed up her face. “Eww.”

  Noah smiled at all the dresses, but the one that made him sit up was a magenta gown with a full skirt made of contrasting shimmering colors. Ash liked it too, but it was Noah’s reaction she’d been waiting for. The ruched bodice had a sweetheart neckline smothered with beading and embroidery and it was so tight it hurt. Ash loved it.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said.

  “I feel like Cinderella.” Though a sliver of doubt had crept in as she’d tried the dresses on. “This is what the women will be wearing? Not evening gowns?”

  “I don’t care what they wear, I want you in that.”

  They fought over who’d pay, but Noah insisted, and though Ash found it difficult to back down, she did. The box holding the dress was so large, they had to take a cab back to the hotel. When it wouldn’t fit in the trunk, the driver put the long oblong across the back, perched on their knees.

  Noah slid his arm along the back of the seat and twirled his fingers in her hair.

  “Thank you for the dress,” she said, and gave him a quick kiss.

  He tugged at her hair. “Is that all I get?”

  “I was going to wait.” Ash danced her fingers over his crotch.

  The moment she touched his cock, it began to swell, and Ash bit back her laugh.

  “It’s not funny,” Noah muttered, though he was smiling.

  Ash could feel the heat of him through the material. She glanced at the driver and caught his eye in the mirror. He couldn’t see what she was doing behind the box. She kept her hand on Noah’s crotch and leaned against him, mouth to his neck, sliding her fingers under his jacket to pinch his nipple through his shirt.

  “Oh God,” Noah moaned.

  A scrape of her nails over the bulge at his groin and his pulse jumped under her tongue. While the fingers of one hand still played in her hair, Noah pulled her dress free from where it was caught under the box and slid his hand onto her bare thigh. He drew circles with the pad of his fingers and excitement shimmered through her.