An Ordinary Girl Page 9
Except he was the one in danger because he almost came in his pants when she tipped back her head and slowly lowered a long, thick chip all the way into her mouth.
“So tasty,” Ash said. “I never cook them at home. Not after I almost set fire to the kitchen. Oh yum.”
Ash chattered as they walked, and although Noah hadn’t wanted anything to eat, he was amazed when he found all his chips gone.
“Have one of mine.” Ash held one near his lips.
When he opened his mouth to take it, she whipped it away. Noah narrowed his eyes. Ash held it close again and as he snapped at it, she took it back. It was a game Ilya had played with his toy cars when they were kids. Yes, you can have it. No, you can’t. Noah never won, but he wasn’t going to lose to Ash. When she held it up again, he grabbed her wrist and held it steady while he took the chip then he licked her fingers one by one before he let her go.
“Last one,” Ash said. She threw the papers in the trash and put a chip between her lips.
Noah moved in for the other half and kissed her as he took it. She tasted and smelled of salt and vinegar, and the ache in his balls intensified. All that money women spent on perfume and he got turned-on by condiments.
He couldn’t quite understand why stopping kissing her was so difficult. When her tongue slid along his, Noah groaned.
Ash pulled away and laughed. “It’s probably more romantic with spaghetti.”
Noah had never been more turned on in his life. “Down this road,” he said. “I live at the end.”
“On your own?” Ash asked.
“No, with a friend. Dalton. We were at school together.” He nodded to a set of steps. “This is it.”
This is it. Ash’s heart was in the middle of a complex gymnastic routine, using her stomach as a springboard. The chips weren’t sitting well.
“Have you changed your mind?” Noah asked quietly.
Ash realized he’d moved up the steps while she’d stayed at the bottom.
She lifted her head to look at him. “No.”
He stared straight at her. “You should.”
She couldn’t. He was lost, stuck in some place he couldn’t get back from without help. Ash knew exactly how that felt. One night wouldn’t make things right in his world, but it might make things better. One night with him wouldn’t make her life right either, but Ash would take what she could get. She’d learned that lesson early on. Seize those moments of happiness when they presented themselves.
“I can’t offer you anything,” he whispered. “You understand?”
Ash nodded.
Noah held out his hand and she stepped up to put hers in his. He unlocked the door, tugged her forward to the stairs and they ran up three flights. Another door to unlock and then they were inside the apartment, door kicked shut and Noah was all over her.
He fumbled with the buttons on her coat, dragged it from her arms and threw it to the floor. Pressed back against the wall, Ash saw the wild look in his eyes and recognized desperation. For a moment she thought he’d rip her dress, but he took a deep breath and swallowed hard as he looked straight at her. Ash felt his fingers stroke her wrists, his thumbs tracing circles against her racing pulse. As he trailed his warm hands up her arms, he left goose bumps in his wake. When he reached her shoulders, he pushed the material of the dress down and bent to kiss along her collarbone.
Ash tilted her head back and moaned as Noah nuzzled and nipped his way from the hollow of her neck up to her mouth. He angled his head and then gently bit her upper lip. Every cell in Ash’s body reacted to his touch, bursts of heat zipped like bullets along her veins until she was on fire from head to toe. Noah gripped the back of her neck to keep her mouth against his and snaked his tongue between her lips. She slid her hands under his shirt onto his back and sighed into him as his muscles tensed and flexed under her palms. Ash could feel the bony lengths of his ribs. He was too thin. When she ran her fingers down his spine, he pressed his long, lean body harder against hers and his tongue deeper as if he wanted to crawl inside her and hide. It was the way she felt too.
Noah’s mouth broke from hers and Ash gulped air into starved lungs.
“You’re scaring me,” he whispered. “I’m bewitched.”
Ash was scared too. She was drowning in him. This was too fast, too soon. Yet she knew there might not be anything more than this night, and in any case, she had no choice.
He spun her around and pressed her face to the wall. “This dress,” he muttered, and played on her bare back with his tongue, lips and fingers while Ash’s toes curled, her fists clenched and her breathing faltered. Noah knelt on the floor and reached to peel the dress down her body. The loud groan he made as he pulled it over her backside vibrated through her, made her wet between her legs. The dress slithered to her ankles, leaving her standing facing the wall in a tiny thong and roman sandals.
“Jesus Christ,” he whispered into her butt, and Ash laughed.
Noah unzipped the backs of her sandals, eased them off her feet and slowly rose. She could feel the wash of his breath against her skin all the way up until his mouth reached the back of her neck. He planted his palms on the wall either side of her head.
“Not sure I can cope with you turning around,” he said in a choked voice.
Ash spun round.
He blinked. “Oh fuck. I’m hanging on by a whisper. Maybe I should nip to the bathroom and have a…cold shower.”
“Don’t you dare.”
Her nipples were already hard, but when he bent his head and licked them, they went even harder. Ash unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. There was pink scar below his ribs, another jagged one diving into his pants near his left hip. They didn’t make him any less beautiful. His dark-copper nipples were as hard as hers, his skin smooth and lightly tanned. He was slender, but the muscles were there in all their contoured beauty.
The trail of dark hair disappearing into his chinos was too tempting. Ash reached for the button on his pants but the hard bulge of his cock made it hard to push the metal through the hole and Noah had to take over. He blew out a long sigh when the waistband fell open.
“Maybe you need to buy a bigger size,” Ash said.
He made a sound that might have been a laugh and then gave her a gentle push. “Second door on the right.”
Once Ash stood in front of it, she pulled down her thong and bent over with her butt facing him to slip the panties over her feet. She looked at him through her legs and he growled. Noah yanked down his zipper, jerked boxers and pants down together, and almost fell headlong when he tried to grab her. Ash leaned against the wall and watched him trying to untangle his clothes from his shoes. His cock was dark with blood, the foreskin pulled back from the head, pre-cum weeping from the slit.
“Well, that was elegant,” he said, and stood naked in front of her.
Ash gulped. “You were right. It’s longer than four inches.”
He smiled. A proper smile, and Ash grinned back. “Five inches I’d say.”
Noah growled, jumped at her and she slipped into the room. The bedside light was on, the bed not made, and she was glad about that because it meant he hadn’t planned to bring anyone back. Then she found herself propelled face forward onto the bed with Noah riding her back, pressing her into the crumpled duvet.
“Five inches?” he hissed in her ear.
“Six then.”
He nipped her ear and made her squeal.
“Want me to get a tape measure?” she gasped.
He laughed.
Ash squirmed until she was lying on top of him, his cock sandwiched between them. Noah had his hands plastered on her butt, squeezing and kneading.
“Condom?” she asked.
“In the drawer.”
Ash leaned over and pulled it open. She caught a glimpse of some interesting-looking strips of leather and a black—oh fancy that—but wrapped her hand around a foil packet and pulled back to drop it on his chest. She lay on her side as he r
olled the condom on, noted the tension etched on his face and thought she knew why.
“I need to apologize,” she said.
His head shot up. “What for?”
“I’m going to come the moment you get inside me.” Probably. “So maybe we can go fast this first time and slow the next fourteen.”
Noah laughed. He positioned himself over her body and supporting his weight on his arms he kissed her, playing chase in her mouth until Ash thought she’d pass out from not breathing. When he pulled back and looked at her, her heart leapt into her throat. Oh God. She didn’t love him. She couldn’t. Not this fast. Not any way, but the connection between them electrified her.
He dropped his head to her breast, licked it while he stared up at her, and Ash’s breathing quickened. She threaded her fingers in his hair. She was probably going to come without him inside her. A heaviness crept over her that had nothing to do with Noah’s weight. The pressure in her chest intensified, spread to her breasts, trickled down between her legs and then rose to wrap around her heart until her lungs ached. She could hear herself gasping and moaning as her body moved out of her control.
Noah slid down to kiss around her bellybutton. The brush of his silky hair against her skin sent goose bumps racing from head to toe. The moment she felt his mouth between her legs, Ash climaxed. Sensation burst over her in a shower of sparks, her back arched and she jerked against Noah’s face while her hands grabbed his hair. He licked her through the delicious aftershocks and Ash melted into the bed.
When she mustered enough strength to look down at him, he looked so pleased with himself, she frowned.
“Sorry about that,” she said. “I get these twinges in my back sometimes. Makes me jerk.”
“I get those too.” He smiled and scooted up the bed, pushing up her legs as he went. “Fast the first time, you said?”
Ash felt the broad head of his cock press against the entrance to her body and she widened her legs. Noah chewed his lip as he pushed partway into her. His eyes closed for a moment and he groaned.
“More,” Ash whispered. “Please.”
A shunt of his hips and he slid all the way home with a shuddering sigh. That feels so good. Noah was rigid with tension.
“I can take the rest of you now,” she said. “Whenever you’re ready. All ten inches.”
His eyes flared open and then he laughed. It was a proper roar of laughter that made his cock shake inside her, and Ash felt like she’d swallowed the sun.
The moment he began to move, her head fogged. Her muscles clenched around his shaft, trying to keep him in, and she spread her hands over his backside, feeling his muscles tightening as he thrust faster and faster. Ash brought her arms up to wrap around his back, and she entwined her legs around him, trying to keep up with his rhythm, but in the end, she let him drive them both toward oblivion.
“Fuck, fuck,” Noah gasped.
His last, hammering shunt took them over the edge, and as she felt his cock swell and jerk inside her, Ash dissolved beneath him.
Chapter Eight
Noah shuddered in pleasure as he emptied himself into her, the almost pain of release making him feel as though his chest might explode along with his cock. When the long, wrenching spasms slowly faded, he sighed. Ash had clutched him so tightly, each time he’d thrust in and out of her, it was a wonder he’d lasted as long as he had. Which wasn’t long, come to think of it, but he had warned her, and at least he hadn’t disgraced himself by coming before he’d even pushed into her. Christ, he’d been building to this from the moment he saw her dance.
She had her arms around him, her eyes closed as she panted into his chest, and Noah didn’t want her to let him go. Had she cured him of his dislike of being touched? Was it that easy?
When he tried to shift his weight, she wrapped her legs tighter around him.
“Don’t move,” she whispered. “You feel so good.”
Noah only shifted enough to kiss her. Her lips opened to his and he dipped inside, his tongue tracing the faint ridges at the top of her mouth, the little bumps at the back of her teeth. When he felt her fingers drifting down the crease of his backside, he bucked into her.
“Let me go clean up,” he whispered.
“No. I’ll get a cloth. I don’t want you to run away. Fourteen orgasms to go.”
He smiled and groaned when he watched her walk across the room. She had the most beautiful backside. Noah liked every part of the female form, the dips, curves and soft mounds, but Ash’s backside made his mouth water. He wanted to photograph her, but he knew it was too soon, that she’d say no. If she didn’t want her photo taken at the wedding, she’d hardly allow him to snap her butt.
She returned with a cloth, knelt on the bed and pulled off the condom. No one had ever done this for him before. Ash wrapped the latex in tissue, set it aside, and then gently wiped him with the warm cloth. It felt so good, the combination of the material and her fingers that his ever-hopeful cock swelled a little.
When Ash came within reach, he kissed her. Noah started slow, but Ash pushed the pace, and the kiss grew greedier until lust began to overpower them both and their mouths fizzled.
“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met,” he gasped against her lips.
“You don’t get out much then?” Ash gasped back.
Noah let out a strangled snort.
She groaned and rolled onto her back at his side. “You’re stealing all the air out of my lungs. I have to catch my breath.”
“Let me catch it for you.” Noah grabbed her hand and licked her palm, sucking her fingers one by one into his mouth.
Ash groaned. “Oh God. You think that will help? Find something else to do with your mouth. Just for a while. Talk to me.”
“No, I want to fuck,” he snapped.
She tensed, dragged her hand away and shifted to sit on the side of the bed, her back to him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“If you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you.”
“You don’t like the word fuck?”
She turned to face him. “I don’t like your tone.” Then turned away again.
Noah took a deep breath and circled a fingernail at the base of her spine. “I’m sorry. What do you want to talk about? I should warn you, there’s not a long list of stuff I’m prepared to tolerate.”
“Make it sound like a chore, why don’t you?”
Noah opened his mouth to bark something back and swallowed instead.
Ash turned. “Can I ask you some questions?”
“As long as they don’t have anything to do with dreams, life-changing moments or my family.”
Ash lay on her side, leaned up on her elbow and said, “Do you think I’m fat? Did my bum look big in that dress? Was your last girlfriend prettier than me? What are you thinking about? How do you think our relationship is going? What would you do if I died?”
Noah laughed, a proper shoulder-shaking laugh, recognizing she’d given him a reprieve. “You’re not fat. Your bum is perfect. My last girlfriend was not prettier than you. I’m thinking about how many ways I can fuck you and wondering if there are any more to invent. I think things are going pretty shit-hot at the moment, and if you died, I’d panic.”
Her lips curved in a half-smile.
“Don’t die,” he whispered. “At least wait until you’re out of the flat.”
That won him a full smile.
“What don’t you want to hear from a woman?” she asked.
He settled on his side facing her and trailed his finger around her jaw. “Do you think I’m fat? Did my—”
Ash bit his finger and he growled.
“What don’t I want to hear?” He frowned. “Um… Is it in yet? That’s it? asked in an incredulous tone. Maybe the worst would be, Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. I really don’t mind.”
Ash raised her eyebrows. “I bet no one has ever said any of those to you.”
“You’d be surprised.”
nbsp; She climbed on top of him and stretched her legs along his, rubbing his cock with her belly. “Tell me.”
He slid his hands over her buttocks. “Is it in yet? Well, that was a holiday romance. Her first time and mine, and I changed my mind when she said that. Neither of us knew what we were doing. When I was asked, Is that it?, God, I wanted to die. I was a bit quick off the mark.”
“Thank goodness you got over that problem. Three minutes is quite reasonable.”
Noah rolled and pinned her under him. “Careful. You’re on thin ice. As for the Don’t worry, it happens to everyone—well, no, it hasn’t happened to me.” Everything else had, but not that.
He saw something in her eyes then that threw him, an awareness of him, an ability to pierce his shields and see inside him. Despite his warning, despite what he’d told her, she wanted more than he could give, more than he was prepared to give. And it scared him. He should stop this now before she got hurt, but he was too selfish. His cock tried to nod in agreement.
“Am I too heavy?” he asked.
Ash spread her legs, hooked her heels over his calves and squirmed beneath him. His cock hardened against her belly.
“Your ears aren’t pierced,” he whispered.
“Despite everyone telling me it doesn’t hurt, I’m convinced it does.”
He dropped his head and kissed her earlobe, tugging it into his mouth and sucking. Ash shuddered against him. “Oh, that’s another reason for not piercing them.”
Noah worked his way down her neck. “Do you ever wear jewelry?”
“Offering to buy me some?”
He paused in mid-lick of her collarbone, caught her smirk and played along. “I’m thinking maybe a ring.”
“I don’t like rings.”
“Why not?” He dropped his head to her nipple and teased it with his teeth.
“They make my fingers feel weird.”
“I wasn’t thinking of a ring for your finger.” He sucked her nipple and worried it with his teeth.
“I’m not having that pierced,” Ash squeaked.